Training Planner
The Training Planner is a complete training management system, which allows Companies of all sizes take control of & improve the effectiveness of the training process.

The on-line database supports organisations of all sizes with their Training Planning process, from identification of current skills & existing training needs, through to planning, monitoring & reviewing training, as well as Information Management to support Strategic Development & Business Planning.

People are usually an organisations most important asset (and most costly), so it is important to maximise the skills, knowledge and motivation of every employee at every opportunity.People development and Training therefore needs to be pro-active.

The Training Planner fully supports & simplifies this process:

Simple to use: adds simplicity to the training process & saves time
Flexible: facilitates the identification, organisation & recording of training activity relevant to each individual business
Reporting: provides on-going management reporting to support the business (eg. training required, carried out, due to expire, time spent)
Evaluation: allows the review of overall training investment (time & cost, by provider)
Supports existing processes, for example, Training Planning, Appraisal & Development, Investors in People
Supports business planning & decision making
Investing in People: helps attract, motivate & retain the best people

If you are interested in, or have an enquiry relating to The Training Planner, either call 0845 094 1161 or email We would welcome the opportunity to discuss how The Training Planner might benefit you and your company's training needs.​